(US) Versatile Chique Square 6 Oss Waves
Versatile Chique Blanket
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Crochet hook (K)7mm
Caron Big Cakes or similar weight/ply yarn (4 medium)
Ruler (1-2 inch high) *use the same ruler for all squares
tapestry/yarn needle for weaving in ends scissors
* Slip Stitch (SLST.)
* Double Crochet (DC)
* Triple Crochet (TC)
(Make a DC in the marked stitch, yarn over, *(move the hook in between the space of the DC
and the previous DC. yarn over, pull up a loop) * repeat 2 times.Yarn over. Leaving 2 loops on the
hook, pull through the loops. Yarn over and pull through 2 loops)
and the previous DC. yarn over, pull up a loop) * repeat 2 times.Yarn over. Leaving 2 loops on the
hook, pull through the loops. Yarn over and pull through 2 loops)
(Yarn over, working at the front of your work, place the hook under the marked stitch, yarn over, pull
up a loop, yarn over, pull through 2, yarn over, pull through 2. )
up a loop, yarn over, pull through 2, yarn over, pull through 2. )
* Back Post Double Crochet (BPDC)
(Yarn over, working at the back of your work, place the hook under the marked stitch, yarn over, pull
up a loop, yarn over, pull .through 2, yarn over, pull through 2.)
up a loop, yarn over, pull .through 2, yarn over, pull through 2.)
* Front Post Half Double Crochet (FPHDC)
(Yarn over, working at the front of your work, place your hook under the marked stitch, yarn over,
pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through all three loops)
pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through all three loops)
* Back Post Half Double Crochet (BPHDC) (Yarn over, working at the back of your work, place your
hook under the marked stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through all three loops)
hook under the marked stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through all three loops)
* Loops (Loop)
(Slip stitch and pull up a big loop to fit over the ruler, place it on the ruler, remove your hook and
tighten the loop to be snug on the ruler. Place your hook in the next stitch, slip stitch and pull up a
loop and place it on the ruler and repeat.)
tighten the loop to be snug on the ruler. Place your hook in the next stitch, slip stitch and pull up a
loop and place it on the ruler and repeat.)
Square #7 OSS WAVES
Row 1: in MC, ch3, 3DC , 2 OSS, 4DC, 2 OSS, slst to top ch3

Row2: CH3 DC behind the ch3 between CH3 and OSS of previous row, ch1, DC between 2nd and
3rd DC, ch1, (2DC, ch1, 2DC in between 4th DC and 1st OSS), ch1, DC between the OSS stitches,
ch1, (2DC, ch1, 2DC between OSS and 5th), DC, ch1, DC between 6th and 7th DC, ch1,
(2DC, ch1, 2DC between 8th DC and 3st OSS), ch1, DC between 3th and 4th OSS stitches, ch1,
(2DC between 4th OSS and starting ch3 of previous row, ch1 slst to top of ch3.) (20DC, 12 CH1 –

Row 3: CH3, Dc behind ch3 in ch1 space, *((DC next 2 stitches, OSS in next 2 ch1 spaces, DC next
2 stitches, (2DC, ch1, 2DC in ch1 space of corner,)) * repeat around to last corner, 2DC ch1 ss to
top of ch3. (28DC 8 OSS – 8DC 2 OSS per side)

Row 4: ch4, DC behind the ch4 in ch1 space, *(ch1, skip 1 stitch, DC next) x2, ch1, skip 2 stitches,
DC between OSS, ch1 skip 2 stitches, (DC next, ch1, skip 1 stitch) x2, (DC, ch1, DC, ch1, DC, ch1,
DC in ch1 space of corner) *repeat around to last corner. DC, ch1, DC, ch1, slst to 3rd chain in ch4.
( 36 DC - 9DC per side)

Row 5: ch3, DC behind the ch3 in ch1 space, *((OSS in each ch1 space across, (2DC, ch1, 2DC) in
corner)) * repeat around to last corner, 2DC, ch1, slst to top ch3. (32 OSS 16 DC – 8 OSS 4DC per

Row 6: (here is where it gets FUN) ch3, OSS on the ch3, OSS behind the chain *((DC next 2
stitches, OSS in space between DC and OSS ,#( ch1, SC between OSS, ch1, OSS, # repeat across
to last OSS and DC), DC in next 2 stitches, (2 OSS, ch1 , 2 OSS) * repeat around to last corner,
2 OSS, ch1, slst into top of starting OSS. ( 36 OSS 16 DC 16SC - 9 OSS 4DC 4SC per side)

Row 1: in MC, ch3, 3DC , 2 OSS, 4DC, 2 OSS, slst to top ch3
Row2: CH3 DC behind the ch3 between CH3 and OSS of previous row, ch1, DC between 2nd and
3rd DC, ch1, (2DC, ch1, 2DC in between 4th DC and 1st OSS), ch1, DC between the OSS stitches,
ch1, (2DC, ch1, 2DC between OSS and 5th), DC, ch1, DC between 6th and 7th DC, ch1,
(2DC, ch1, 2DC between 8th DC and 3st OSS), ch1, DC between 3th and 4th OSS stitches, ch1,
(2DC between 4th OSS and starting ch3 of previous row, ch1 slst to top of ch3.) (20DC, 12 CH1 –
Row 3: CH3, Dc behind ch3 in ch1 space, *((DC next 2 stitches, OSS in next 2 ch1 spaces, DC next
2 stitches, (2DC, ch1, 2DC in ch1 space of corner,)) * repeat around to last corner, 2DC ch1 ss to
top of ch3. (28DC 8 OSS – 8DC 2 OSS per side)
Row 4: ch4, DC behind the ch4 in ch1 space, *(ch1, skip 1 stitch, DC next) x2, ch1, skip 2 stitches,
DC between OSS, ch1 skip 2 stitches, (DC next, ch1, skip 1 stitch) x2, (DC, ch1, DC, ch1, DC, ch1,
DC in ch1 space of corner) *repeat around to last corner. DC, ch1, DC, ch1, slst to 3rd chain in ch4.
( 36 DC - 9DC per side)
Row 5: ch3, DC behind the ch3 in ch1 space, *((OSS in each ch1 space across, (2DC, ch1, 2DC) in
corner)) * repeat around to last corner, 2DC, ch1, slst to top ch3. (32 OSS 16 DC – 8 OSS 4DC per
Row 6: (here is where it gets FUN) ch3, OSS on the ch3, OSS behind the chain *((DC next 2
stitches, OSS in space between DC and OSS ,#( ch1, SC between OSS, ch1, OSS, # repeat across
to last OSS and DC), DC in next 2 stitches, (2 OSS, ch1 , 2 OSS) * repeat around to last corner,
2 OSS, ch1, slst into top of starting OSS. ( 36 OSS 16 DC 16SC - 9 OSS 4DC 4SC per side)
Row 7: ch3, 3DC behind the ch3 in ch1 spaces,*(( skip 1st stitch, SC next 3 (top of the OSS),
FPDC next 2, #(skip 1, SC top of OSS, 4 FPDC on the SC stitch ) # repeat to last 2 DC before
corner, FPDC 2 stitches, SC in top OSS, SC in between OSS, SC top last OSS (4DC, ch1, 4DC)
in corner)) * repeat to last corner, 4DC, ch1, slst to top of ch3. (152 stitches - 39 stitches per side-
8 dc, 20 fpdc, 11 sc)
FPDC next 2, #(skip 1, SC top of OSS, 4 FPDC on the SC stitch ) # repeat to last 2 DC before
corner, FPDC 2 stitches, SC in top OSS, SC in between OSS, SC top last OSS (4DC, ch1, 4DC)
in corner)) * repeat to last corner, 4DC, ch1, slst to top of ch3. (152 stitches - 39 stitches per side-
8 dc, 20 fpdc, 11 sc)
Row 8: ch2, HDC behind the ch2 in ch1 space, (working across the row BLO ) *((HDC next 4
stitches, starting at the SC – pull up1 loop next 29 stitches and place it on the ruler. (29 loops)
HDC next 4 stitches, (2HDC ,ch1, 2HDC) in corner, pull loops off ruler and let hang .))
* Repeat around to the last corner, 2HDC, ch1, slst into top of ch2. (164 stitches - 41 stitches
per side – 10 HDC, 29 loops per side)
stitches, starting at the SC – pull up1 loop next 29 stitches and place it on the ruler. (29 loops)
HDC next 4 stitches, (2HDC ,ch1, 2HDC) in corner, pull loops off ruler and let hang .))
* Repeat around to the last corner, 2HDC, ch1, slst into top of ch2. (164 stitches - 41 stitches
per side – 10 HDC, 29 loops per side)
Row 9: ch2, HDC behind the ch2 in ch1 space, *((HDC next 5 stitches, skip 1 stitch, 2HDC in first
2 loops together, 3HDC in next 9 groups of 3 loops, skip 1, HDC next 5 stitches , (2HDC, ch1,
2HDC in corner),* repeat around to last corner , 2HDC, ch1, slst into top of ch2. (172 stitches -
43 stitches – 14 hdc, 29 hdc in loops per side)
Row 10: ch3, DC behind ch3 in ch1 space, *((skip 1 stitch, DC in the next 6 stitches, skip 1 stitch,
DC next stitch on group of 2 loops, #(skip 1 stitch, DC next 2 stitches on group of 3 loops)
# repeat for every 3 loop group, skip 1 stitch, DC in the next 6 stitches, skip 1 stitch, (2DC, ch1,
2DC in corner), *repeat to last corner, 2DC, ch1, slst into top of ch3. (140 DC - 35 DC per side)
Row 11: ch2, 2HDC behind the ch2 in ch1 space, (BLO) *((HDC each stitch to corner, (3HDC, ch1,
3HDC))* repeat around to last corner, 3HDC, ch1, slst into top ch2 (164 HDC - 41 HDC per side)
Row 12: ch3, 2DC behind the ch3 in ch1 space, *((BPDC across to corner, (3DC, ch1, 3DC))
* repeat to last corner, 3DC, ch1, slst into top of ch3. (188 stitches – 47 stitches per side)
Fasten off - End of Square #7 – OSS Waves
A special thank you to the lovely ladies who tested this pattern:
Lisa Campbell
Donna Davis Storti
Faith Wheat
Donna Davis Storti
Faith Wheat
© 2018 CrochiqueNL, MarriĆ«lle van der Gun. Toto Lewis, All rights reserved. This pattern is for
personal use only. The pattern or parts of the patterns cannot be multiplied or republished in any
way, or be altered or sold. The finished product of this pattern may be sold. For questions please
contact :
personal use only. The pattern or parts of the patterns cannot be multiplied or republished in any
way, or be altered or sold. The finished product of this pattern may be sold. For questions please
contact :
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