(US) Crochique dreamcatcher

Here it is! The free pattern for the CrochiqueNL dreamcatcher!

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I purchased the following items to make it:

A metal ring (40CM)
Zpagetti yarn
Wooden beads
Cotton for hooksize 4-5 MM

You'll also need

Crochet hook 4,5 MM
tapastry needle,

The pattern:

  1. Magic circle, 12 SC in the MC, Slst in the first SC.
  2. Ch6, *Trc in the next sc, ch2.* Repeat till end. Slst in the 4th ch of startingchain.
  3. Ch3, 2DC in the ch2 space, 1DC in the Trc, ch9, * skip the ch2 space, 1DC in the Trc, 2DC in the ch2 space, 1DC in the trc, ch9. * repeat till end. Slst in the top of ch3.
  4. Ch3, in the next 3 stitches crochet 3 Trc together. Ch7, 3DC in the centre of ch9 space, ch7, * in the next 4 stitches, crochet 4Trctog, ch7, 3DC in the centre of ch9 space, ch7. * repeat till the end. Slst in the top of first trcluster.
  5. Slst in the next 2 stitches, * Sc in the ch7 space, ch5, 2DC in the next 3 stitches, ch5, SC in the next ch7 space, ch3, * repeat till end. The last stitches: ch1, HDC in the first SC.
  6. Ch8, in the next dc: 1Trc, ch2, x5, trc in the last DC. * Ch4, (1TRC,ch3, TRC) in the ch3 space. 1DC, ch2, x5, 1DC in the last stitch. *Repeat till end. Ch1, HDC in the 4th ch of startingchain.
  7. Ch3, 3Trctog, ch3, DC in the HDC space, * Ch4, (SC in the ch2 space, ch4) x5 (1Trc, ch3, 4Trctog, ch3, 1Trc) in the ch3 space. * repeat till end. Last stitches: Ch1, HDC in the top of first TRcluster
  8. Ch3, 3TRctog in the HDC space, ch3, (4t\Trctog, ch3, 1Trc) in the next ch3 space, * Ch4, (Sc in the ch4 space, ch4) x4, In the next ch3 space: 1Trc, ch3, 4Trctog, ch3. In the next ch3 space: 4Trctog, ch3, trc. *repeat till end. Final stitches: ch1, DC in the top of first cluster.
  9. Ch3, 3Trctog in the DC space, *Ch12,  skip one ch3 space, (4trctog, ch3, tr) in the nxt ch3 space. ch4, (SC in the next ch3 space, ch3) x 3. In the next ch3 space: trc, ch3, 4trctog. * repeat till end. Final stitches: ch1, DC in top of first cluster.
  10. Ch3. 3trctog in the DC pace, * ch5, dc in the ch12 space, (ch2, DC) x4 in the same ch12 space, ch5, 4trctog, ch3, trc in the ch3 space, ch4, SC in the ch4 space, ch4, (4trctog, ch3, trc) in the ch3 space. * repeat till end. Last stitches: ch1, DC in the top of first cluster.
Fasten off and weave in the ends.

I wrapped my metal ring in zpagetti and made a braid at the bottom. I attatched the doily to the ring using the same cotton. I made two braids and put wodden beads at the end. Then glue the feathers in the wooden beads. Add some ribbons and tassles and it's finished!

Ik heb mijn ring gewikkeld in zpaggetti. en van de eindes een vlecht gemaakt. De doily heb ik met hetzelfde katoen vast gebonden aan de ring. Vervolgens heb ik dunne lange vlechtjes gemaakt van 3 draden katoen, daar heb ik de kralen aan geregen. Met lijm heb ik de veren in de kralen bevestigd. Nog wat linten en kwastjes eraan en klaar is hij! 

© 2017 CrochiqueNL, Marriëlle van der Gun. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of the patterns cannot be multiplied or republished in any way, or be altered or sold. The finished product of this pattern may be sold. For questions please contact : crochique.nl@gmail.com

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